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    Thank you for joining our webinar today! Enghouse UC : Give buyers what they want, customizable collaboration in UCaaS and CCaaS My name is Dane Austin smith and today we are going to be talking about communication tools and technologies that we have all dealt with, especially over the last year, year and a half in both of our personal and professional capacity and as we have learned in this time these communication tools and technologies evolve very rapidly. And in today's webinar we aim to shed some light on the direction of that evolution. And an Enghouse launch that will help in that journey. But before I go any further I would like to introduce our panelists for the day. We have Vince Mifsud, Reuben Tozman, Wayne Lee and Chandan Mehta. We will go ahead and begin with a welcome address from the president of Enghouse Systems Limited. Vince Mifsud, as president of Enghouse Systems Limited. Mr Mifsud is responsible for global sales, operations, product and finance. Now, prior to joining Enghouse, his roles have included CEO of Scribble Technologies and Genesis Global Limited. In his career, he has placed to focus on the organic growth of enterprise software companies completed and integrated numerous acquisitions and has deep expertise in software as a service or SaaS. Vince. Great, Thank you. Thank you Dane and let me start by saying thanks for all of our channel partners joining us today, appreciate you as our partners over the years and before the team gets into our new innovation. Just to give you a brief snapshot, I am sure some of you know a little bit about us but we are a Canadian public company focused on enterprise software with operations globally and covering essentially the contact center, video communications, telecom and transportation spaces are key market segments in mid and large enterprises. One of our key go to market strategies is obviously our channel, are you as our Channel partners drive a significant portion of our companies, $500 million dollars in revenues that we did last year. And Channel partners will continue to be a key part of our success in the future and our part is to really provide you with great products to help make you successful in the market. I have joined the company just over three years ago and in the last couple of years especially I have been putting a big emphasis on our commitment to product and engineering. it is an area that I am personally involved with and trying to drive into our business and accelerate our rate of innovation. Over the last 12 months, we have spent Over $80 million dollars in engineering and product development. It is the single biggest area of investment in our company and we plan to continue that level of investment and accelerate it and today's new innovation is, an example of that investment and what it can deliver. Hopefully it is the sign of many new innovations that you will see us doing going forward. Thank you Dane. Next up, I believe we have Chandan Mehta. So most of our products have been taken to market through our channel partners and these relationships have been with us since years and in fact some of them since decades and are still growing. One of the main reasons for this growth is that we work in a true partnership mode and listen to what feedback you get from your customers back to Enghouse. For example, one persistent feedback which we started receiving was that as customers are grappling with different delivery methodologies. You wanted us to deliver our software in various modes private hosted, SaaS, On-prem and that is exactly what we have done. So most of our software today offers a choice of delivery and that is underpinning our relationships with many of you who started out as just resellers and has grown to become truly global partnerships over the years. With that. Let me hand it back. Next up. We have Reuben Tozman, now with the Master's in Educational Technology. He is held critical leadership roles in both product and operations with companies including Shutter stock and Next Tech AR solutions. Besides advising several companies in cutting edge AI and data center technologies. He currently serves as the General Manager for Vidyo, a division of Enghouse that focuses on video enabled communications and it is being used by thousands of enterprises globally. Over to you Reuben. Thank you very much Dane. And thank you for everyone who has attended and for anyone who is celebrating Yom kippur hope you have an easy fast. So today we are going to be looking at several tools in place that were there prior to 2020, but clearly over the past two years have been front and center for all of us. Considering the crisis we faced in in Toronto we, which is where I am located. We know lockdowns very well. We have all faced those lockdowns, the traveling restrictions, the stay at home, school closures. And when you think about it and you think about that crisis, all of that would have been crippling a decade ago. And so you look at these tools and you think about what a great enabler they have been for government, for schools, for our businesses. And so what comes next is really what we're looking at, which is how does the unified Communications and these tools we've been using, How do they start to interface with contact center how do we bring these, things together to ultimately provide a better customer experience? And later, Wayne will be walking you through a demo of that. So if you look on the screen, you are going to see the results from a poll that was taken among many poles. This is certainly not the only poll that was taken. And it is a poll on the future of hybrid work and what you can very clearly see with the results is that we have to make sure that our work environments are able to stretch, they are able to flex and they are able to accommodate a much wider variety of what we are calling hybrid work. Originally unified communications was all about, how do we get remote workers to connect into the office where into the office was the default, it was the norm and what we can see is that, that norm has clearly changed and instead what we are seeing through the pandemic and everything we're facing is that the flexing and the stretching and the hybrid work environment is now becoming the go to. And we have our IT departments that are no longer worried about phones on the desk but instead talking about PBX extensions. So moving forward, I'm going to pass this onto Chandan and and once again I thank everyone and for those who did take time during Yom kippur really appreciate you being here and enjoy the rest. Thank you, over to you Chandan. Thanks a lot Reuben. As Reuben has mentioned, we have known these tools from before Covid. What they were primarily their UCaaS and CCaaS or even On-prem UC contact centers were to solve specific purposes of having connectivity with mainly with remote workers or with sales and other customer service engineers who are on field, and not in offices in order to enable them to be part off our meetings and of course contact center for customers in order to have a better engagement in order to solve their issues or to sell to contacts and so on and so forth. Now, these two disparate pieces of technology still are part of the communications world. And essentially if you look at it, they are both connectivity and collaboration tools just for different sets of people. Now, the not natural and unlogical outcome is that what if we combine both because there are benefits to both of them And some of you might be contact center solution providers and some of you might be doing UC, and some of you might be doing even both, and I am sure these kind of conversations have happened between yourselves and your customers as to what can happen if you merge both these worlds, can we derive the benefits off. The advantages that both bring to the table. Before we get into the advantages, there are several disadvantages seeing that you have two different platforms. Probably by provided by two different providers. And it makes then sense to look at these two in isolation and see that is not only am I missing out on the synergies that could have been there, but, is it costing me to have two different communications solutions providers? And the answer is simple is yes. First of all, you are maintaining two different sets of relationships, supports, it goes on payments. And the whole stack of things associated with contracting out one piece of technology to a provider, But more essentially, it kind of divise up the customers facing contact center employees in the organization or customers organizations from the rest of the organization. And the information flow, which is there between these two sets of employees is limited. And the benefits are easy to visualize what if contact center agents had full information and visibility into their colleagues across the rest of the organization could interact with them quickly, get answers, get information and probably solve a lot of customer issues on the spot rather than to have to wait or to relief it unresolved, and to have customers unsatisfied. There were studies done in seeing as to what would happen if customers started moving to a contact center and unified communications integration. And the clear answers, is that those customers which did integrate saw benefits in revenue and also definitely benefits an agent efficiency. And I don't think these both are not related to each other. They both are of course related and highly correlated as well. And there are several studies on this aspect as well, which showed that customers prefer us or providers to have one contract possibly serving both these environments that they maintain. Now, when you look at the unified Communications part of it, it is a market which is dominated by global players, but at the same time, it is an extremely fast growing market, which means that there will be a proliferation of suppliers as customers start needing more specialized needs. Initially when it was all about having people and employees speak with each other and have meetings with each other which was the main use case and be connected to each other so that they could collaborate. The initial set of solutions out here are sufficient to meet that need. But as time passes by and as technology evolves, this need will start getting more specific. And it will be, for example, in the healthcare industry, you would have specific needs around patient doctor involvement or conferencing with privacy conditions built in. And in education it might be one is too many for teachers to students and so on and so forth. So the time is right whereby which providers of technology addressing specific use cases will start soon gaining ground. Here we would like to just step back and take your opinion and your feedback as to what do you see in case you're selling unified communications today or even discussing it with your customers or even if you can reflect on your own companies case study, what are the challenges you think you'll be facing if you are selling any of these unified communications solutions to your customers. So we have gone ahead and launched that poll. If you will take a minute to fill that out and we are looking for those pain points faced with reselling the big UC vendors, is it integration with other applications, fragmented experiences, pricing and margin or little ability to customize. All right, Great. This is just as expected. We see these four the main reasons which channel partners and solution, configuration partners and even managed services breuder's face when they are discussing unified communications with their customers. I don't know if all the audience can see it. Integration with other applications 33% Fragmented experiences 15%, pricing and margin is a big one 30%. And little or almost no ability to customize any of the current unified communications platforms is at 21%. So integration and pricing and margin are the top 2 with that. Thank you very much for your answers. Very much appreciated. And I now hand over to Wayne Lee for the rest of the webinar. Thank you,. So welcome everyone once again. I'm Wayne Lee and I lead the product management team for Enghouse UC, without any further delay. Let me head straight into it. I am extremely happy that I can introduce for the very first time Enghouse UC, designed and developed with you. Yes, Everyone here in mind. We bring the best of what is available today for business collaboration. Enabling people to work anywhere, anytime and on any screen. We will dive a little deeper in the upcoming slides and we will go through many of these features in the demo. But at a high level Enghouse UC will provide users with persistent chatting whether between you and another pier or in a group. You will have all the contacts and information needed to ensure you don't miss anything. And while you are collaborating together, we have enabled users to screen share for multiple devices so it is easier to toggle back and forth between those that are sharing. And as alluded to earlier, most companies are looking to adopt some form of hybrid work, whether people are working from home or in the office on reality, as long as they are covid safe anywhere. Enghouse UC is enhanced by a vast experience in the video space, giving crystal clear quality to any remote settings, increasing the positive and engaging experience for all and we have bundled all this together with enterprise telephony features so that you will never miss important calls or voice mails. This will allow you to work at the pace you're most efficient and comfortable with. And finally, as a company that found its roots in the contact center space, we will be bringing the agent experience within Enghouse UC. Why? Because this allows for a much more seamless way to engage and support your customer base. Everything however, begins from here, staying connected. Critical pillar of business collaboration is of course chat. Whether it's for personal or commercial use chat like function is used predominantly by the whole world to start off conversations, Whether it is one on 1 in groups. All the capabilities are used to seeing that is built into Enghouse UC And on top of that, collaborating over video. We have a fully functional video collaboration suite built into our UC. this has been developed on top of the years of experience. We have as leaders in the video collaboration market which today supports thousands of customers daily and globally. And once again, if I wasn't clear the first time around staying connected! How this time? With voice! You can allow for those employees who are traveling or not in the office or possibly just using the phone. We designed Enghouse UC so that these individuals can be also equally be connected via voice with the whole office. But enough slide for now! why don't we get into the demo? Before I bring up a demo. Just wanted to explain that we will be going through two different use cases. First, we will go through a demo of a user that has enabled business collaboration tools only and then we will walk through a demo of a user who has a telephony features enabled as well. So why don't we begin. We'll be starting off by launching Enghouse UC. For this demo, I will be navigating through our desktop application. You will notice right away there are two options too log onto Enghouse UC. You have your username and password option, which everyone is pretty much used to seeing everywhere or in the case your organization has an identity provider solution in place. You can log in via single sign on. In our case we have our IDP with and I can log in with the click of a button. This account is currently logged in as Noe. Who is a colleague of mine, he currently has a business collaboration features enabled on his account and we will run through what you can do as a business collaboration user. On the left hand side, you will have your contacts and since Noe and I spent a lot of time collaborating together. He has put me as one of his favorite contacts and considering that I am the only favorite contact there, I certainly feel quite special right here right now. One of the key things we are doing with Enghouse UC is making sure that there is a seamless experience between various Enghouse products. In this case we have Vidyo Connect integrated with Enghouse UC. So I am just going to click on the link here, you can see that all the meetings on the left have been set up. So with this you can enter into a Vidyo Connect meeting room easily, all from the same application. And also once again check what meetings you have coming up through our calendar integration on the left hand side. To start the meeting, simply click on the link and it will launch the meeting application and voila, you are now in the Vidyo Connect meeting room, it seems like Noe is extremely early for the call. So in this case, instead of waiting for the next hour for people to join he will simply exit the application and return to his UC experience I mentioned earlier that Noe and I collaborated together on a daily basis. In this upcoming example, Noe will message me to see if I am available for a quick chat. So it goes to the favorite, then he will start typing, Wayne are you available? And of course I will say yes, once I say yes, he will click on the video call button. At this point we have successfully escalated from a chat to a video conference. He is just waiting for me to accept the video conference and we will get on together and there we are. We chat for a bit and then we use our double screen share capabilities to collaborate together. So I'll be sharing my screen first and once we take a look through it Noe has some questions on what he is working on which is quite similar but still wants to compare. He will provide his screen as well. So now we can do a dual collaboration and really see what is going on to compare contrast and collaborate in real time to figure out what needs to be completed and how to get to the next steps. All right, We say bye. And then we get back to our actual day. Now, prior to this actual demo, there was a team of us working together to make this webinar a reality, it made a whole lot more sense for us to have a room where you can regularly collaborate rather than try to create an ad hoc group each time. So our room is created. What we will do here is invite the necessary individuals to carry out the collaboration session. Noe will invite myself. So Wayne Lee invites myself and then he will invite a good friend Tanguy into the room as well. Once all of us are in the room you can see that we can chat with one another and in a similar way, go from a chat session to a video conference. Noe is going to join. It opens up the video conference, we will wait for myself and Tanguy to join. There he is. And now you see three highly capable individuals working through the deck and are happy with the progress that we are making. Once we get through we say goodbye and once again get back to our day. Now, the next question is, What would happen if we were to include cloud PBX features into Enghouse UC? Quite simply, you will still get the elegant user experience from before. But now you have an additional icon at the bottom left that enables a dial pad, Thus getting your access out to the telephony world. This time we have Noe who has telephony features enabled. On the right hand side, you will see your call history which helps you figure out who calls you when and if it was an external call or not. With a dial pad as you start punching in the numbers Enghouse UC will begin to sift through either your contacts or call history to get the right number you would like to dial. So we can see that it picked up the 647 from the area code in the bottom number as well as the 647 from a combination of the phone number on the top contact Since Noe is a good man. He will return one of the calls that he has missed. You can see that the red icon says missed call. He will simply click on the phone button and once again you are in the same experience you had in the business collaboration suite with an addition of a dial pad that enables you to do any touchtone activities on the left hand side. Now, on the left side of the application, you will also notice quick access to call settings. Currently the phone is set simmering which means multiple devices will ring simultaneously when a call comes in. When it is in default mode, it will always ring the desktop and the mobile app simultaneously. When simmering is enabled, you can add another phone number to the list that it will bring, such as another mobile number or even your home phone. That practices show that you should only enable one of these settings at a time. In the early days of UC there are times when you enable both simmering, call forwarding or even find you follow me and it would break the system completely. So we made sure that you cannot break the system by doing that. So let's give this a go when call forwarding is toggled on. All the other options are toggled off automatically. Same thing when you toggle the find option as well when you toggle that on all the other options get turned off as well. The details of these features can be set up under the settings icon. So let's click on the gear icon and you'll find yourself in the phone feature section For the purpose of this demo we will be showcasing the "find me" feature Find me is a future that's sequentially cascades through different devices or numbers of your preference. In this particular case we want the desktop application to ring first After five rings it will try the mobile app. Now, why would we want to ring the mobile apps separately? These days what we're finding is that people are using their tablets and data only mode and in this case the only way to reach that individual will be through the mobile app. The other reason is that some companies allow for a B Y O D program or Bring Your Own Device program. When you have that kind of set up, you will have multiple employees that have different phone plans. Some where you may get limited call minutes and yes, that is still such a thing. I mean limited call minutes So in this case you would be saving on your mobile plan or your employee maybe saving on a mobile plan if the employee is on some form of Wifi within the building In a similar but slightly different use case. The reason why we would want to dial a 10 digit number is in the case that someone runs out of data on their mobile phone or possibly could be in the area where data isn't available. but cellular connection is there. As an example when my family and I went to a cottage over the break, we had a phone connection but no data connection. And so if you were in the middle of the woods, let's say and you have phone connection you can at least be called over there but you will not get data In our find me module. You have an option to set up five devices to a cascade mode including a level application. If that is what you would like to choose. or once again, another phone number and these are all configurable within the settings. At this point, why don't we receive a call As mentioned before the incoming call will try to reach desktop first. Five things go by and it cascades to the next one on the list. The next one that we have is a mobile application. Let's see how it goes. Make five rings and look at this. It says the phone is offline, so Enghouse UC will try to reach the mobile lab, but because the app says offline, it is unable to receive the call, it is gonna be a Data issue, a wifi issue, or it could just be that Noe might be out of data as well. but the point is the app cannot be reached. So in its final attempt it is going to go for the mobile number and we'll wait for a second here and voila, the person was able to reach Noe and Noe can now have the important call that he was waiting for. Before I conclude I would like to mention the experience we are providing through Enghouse UC will be the pillar of how we address the agent experience for our Enghouse CCaaS. What we have found through conversations with customers is that they too are looking for something that is much more similar to that of a UC experience where the agent can have a unified experience across the board, not just in the contact center space but with the rest of their colleagues as well across the enterprise. So just try to imagine the possibility that can be unlocked as you move towards a converged experience between UC and CC. And that brings to the conclusion of our to use cases. And just to recap, the first half of the demo, we showcased the business collaboration features and in the second half of the demo we focused on the cloud PBX features available on Enghouse UC. What's in it for partners? The important question I'm going to refer back to the points made by Chandan earlier in the presentation. Unified communications converging with the contact center can address all customer workflows regardless of the entry point to manage conversations effectively. What does that mean exactly? We are enabling UC our Enghouse UC to interop with not just our own CCaaS of the contact center your customers may have already deployed today or if your customers would like to make a change to your telephony environment first. They can move forward with Enghouse UC and then decide what the best integration point will be with your customers contact center environment. We will also allow for partners the choice to white label our solution so that people know that they are working with you and we will have multiple areas where your brand can be present throughout the product Furthermore. Enghouse UC is also an API centric platform. What that means is you'll be future proof. So this means that it will ensure that manual service providers can distribute services across digital channels, devices and interfaces, it will be easier to update and this will save time by reusing code and taking advantage of public published APIs'. It will also open up new revenue streams. It will facilitate the adoption of the platforms economy. digitization automation and IOT. And finally it will leverage automation. We will work with leading automation applications that connect thousands of apps into workflows, making Enghouse UC more versatile, flexible and easy to use. And finally, and Enghouse UC is a microservices based architecture. It will provide the scalability that you need based on small components, so it is easier to scale up or down following a specific elements requirements. It is also an isolation giving micro service resilience because components run independently the times market microservices work independently, making initial deployment and future modifications much more easier. And finally it will be evolutionary microservices once again provide fast and controlled upgrades by not slowing down or stopping the apps. What does that mean for you as a partner? At the end of the day, it means greater margin for you whether you can bring together flexible pricing models with an elegant use experience, robust architecture with white labeling capabilities. There is a very high chance for success. Now knowing all this about Enghouse UC here is how we're pricing out Enghouse UC from a list price perspective. we will be offering Enghouse UC in three simple bundles, the business bundle which includes all the business collaboration features that were showcased in the first part of the demo, is 9,99$ per user per month The business pro bundle which includes all the features overlaid on top of the business collaboration features is 18,99$ per user per month. And for those that are already utilizing Enghouse CCaaS. There is a special pricing where you will be able to take our business pro bundle for 9,99$ per agent per month. As partners, we will work with you and then work with all the partner pricing going forward at a list price. This is how we are showcasing it out publicly. And that would not be all though there is a launch offer and if anybody watch you know late night commercials, there is a gentleman that says but wait there is more so yes, there is more As part of the launch, the first set of customers that signs up for Business Pro will receive it at the price of the business bundle for six months at the commercially available date. This will also be worked out with our partners as well. Just keep in mind that there is a launch offer and we will be offering to our partners moving forward. We really look forward to walking alongside with you through this UC journey as we progress to converge this with our CC capabilities as well. So with that I'd like to say thank you to everyone and have a wonderful day and stay safe.

    • Introduction
    • Presenters
    • Enghouse Systems History
    • Global Partnerships
    • Agenda
    • Covid & Tech: Workplace Disruption
    • The Future is Hybrid: Are you  ready for the shift?
    • The Future is Hybrid: The Solution is UCaaS
    • UCaaS & CCaaS : A converged future?
    • Disparate UC & Contact Centers Cause Issues
    • Integrations Drive Measurable Success
    • Major UC vendors dominate the market share landscape
    • Challenges of Selling  UC today: Pain Points Faced when Reselling the BIG UC vendors
    • Enghouse UC Enabling Unified Teams to Deliver Business Results
    • Empower Employees & Clients with Powerful Features
    • Stay connected
    • Collaborate over video
    • Stay connected - with just voice
    • Let’s Go For a Demo!
    • What’s in it for partners ?
    • Empower Your Teams with Enghouse UC
    • White Labeling: Flexibility and Customization
    • API-Centric Platform: Develop and distribute a customized UC solution for your clients
    • Microservices Architecture: Deliver a faster time to market solution to your clients
    • Results: Greater Margin For Partners
    • Pricing
    • Simplified Pricing Comprehensive Benefits
    • Launch offer
    • Dane Smith on Linkedin
    • Vincent Mifsud on LinkedIn
    • Visit Enghouse web site
    • Chandan Mehta on LinkedIn
    • Reuben Tozman on LinkedIn
    • Wayne Lee on LinkedIn
    • Contact sales

Give Buyers What They Want: Customizable Collaboration in UCaaS and CCaaS!

Published on 09/17/2021   Enghouse Connect, Vidyo, Unified Contact Center, Vidyo Webinar

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